I was so lucky to have spent three days at Camp Louise, outside of Baltimore, facilitating Camp Rolling Hills book clubs, teaching writing workshops, eating banana boats, petting goats, and cheering. A lot of cheering.
Read their blog below!
Read their blog below!

Posted by Alicia Berlin on August 04, 2016
This is the second year that Camp Louise has held a Book Club. This summer, we are so excited to partner with author Stacy Davidowitz. In addition to two of our very own amazing staff who have been leading the Book Club, Stacy came to camp this week as an author in residence.
The campers participating in the Book Club had an opportunity to ask Stacy questions about her books, her camp life, and her inspiration for the characters. The campers got to hear a song from the musical (Letter Writing) that the book is based on and they got to do a dramatic read aloud and role play different characters in the book. The campers absolutely loved it! Some of them said:
“I like books a lot, and I’ve very excited that I got to meet the author, she’s very nice.”
“I like being in book club because reading new books is fun, and meeting Stacy was just a great add-on.”
“I like being in book club because it’s really cool to meet the author, and the book is awesome!”
I have read the first book in her series – Camp Rolling Hills – so I was definitely looking forward to talking with Stacy about her books. Stacy told me:
“Camp Rolling Hills is about a bunch of 12-year-olds at sleepaway camp—forever friendships are made, underwear is stolen, romance is sparked, marshmallows are roasted, and summer is celebrated! The book series Camp Rolling Hills is based on a musical I co-wrote.”
Stacy is a camp person – not Camp Louise, but we won’t hold that against her. In discussing her inspiration for this now four book series, she shared:
“I love camp. Truly, deeply love it. Experiencing it as a camper and then counselor and then head staff, I really got to understand its ins and outs, and most importantly, the kind of positive impact it can have on a kid. So of course plots and activities are derived from my experiences, but also the bigger themes: friendship, being true to who you are, firsts–that’s the heart of the inspiration. I made such fantastic friends and helped nurture friendships among campers when I worked as a counselor; I experienced life-changing firsts I could never experience at home; and I learned to embrace my quirkiness with my bunkmates by my side.”
Stacy has really enjoyed her time here at Louise. She said that:
“Being here at Camp Louise, I’m overwhelmed with the creativity, love, support, and inner and outer awesomeness of the campers and staff. It’s so refreshing and inspiring to work with girls who appreciate life, appreciate each other, and will one day take on the world with all the amazing skills and values they’ve learned each summer. What an amazing family you’ve got!”
If you want to read more information about Stacy and her books, please check out her website www.StacyDavidowitz.com and the website for her books www.camprollinghills.com.
Campily yours,
- See more at: http://airylouise.org/newsfeed/directors-blog-august-3-2016/#sthash.WMnQWUYN.dpuf
Posted by Alicia Berlin on August 04, 2016
This is the second year that Camp Louise has held a Book Club. This summer, we are so excited to partner with author Stacy Davidowitz. In addition to two of our very own amazing staff who have been leading the Book Club, Stacy came to camp this week as an author in residence.
The campers participating in the Book Club had an opportunity to ask Stacy questions about her books, her camp life, and her inspiration for the characters. The campers got to hear a song from the musical (Letter Writing) that the book is based on and they got to do a dramatic read aloud and role play different characters in the book. The campers absolutely loved it! Some of them said:
“I like books a lot, and I’ve very excited that I got to meet the author, she’s very nice.”
“I like being in book club because reading new books is fun, and meeting Stacy was just a great add-on.”
“I like being in book club because it’s really cool to meet the author, and the book is awesome!”
I have read the first book in her series – Camp Rolling Hills – so I was definitely looking forward to talking with Stacy about her books. Stacy told me:
“Camp Rolling Hills is about a bunch of 12-year-olds at sleepaway camp—forever friendships are made, underwear is stolen, romance is sparked, marshmallows are roasted, and summer is celebrated! The book series Camp Rolling Hills is based on a musical I co-wrote.”
Stacy is a camp person – not Camp Louise, but we won’t hold that against her. In discussing her inspiration for this now four book series, she shared:
“I love camp. Truly, deeply love it. Experiencing it as a camper and then counselor and then head staff, I really got to understand its ins and outs, and most importantly, the kind of positive impact it can have on a kid. So of course plots and activities are derived from my experiences, but also the bigger themes: friendship, being true to who you are, firsts–that’s the heart of the inspiration. I made such fantastic friends and helped nurture friendships among campers when I worked as a counselor; I experienced life-changing firsts I could never experience at home; and I learned to embrace my quirkiness with my bunkmates by my side.”
Stacy has really enjoyed her time here at Louise. She said that:
“Being here at Camp Louise, I’m overwhelmed with the creativity, love, support, and inner and outer awesomeness of the campers and staff. It’s so refreshing and inspiring to work with girls who appreciate life, appreciate each other, and will one day take on the world with all the amazing skills and values they’ve learned each summer. What an amazing family you’ve got!”
If you want to read more information about Stacy and her books, please check out her website www.StacyDavidowitz.com and the website for her books www.camprollinghills.com.
Campily yours,
- See more at: http://airylouise.org/newsfeed/directors-blog-august-3-2016/#sthash.WMnQWUYN.dpuf